
Sign our petition

To the Dunedin City Council

Dear Councillors,

The Dunedin City Council needs to use innovative thinking to keep Dunedin Railways rolling, including the iconic tourist attraction of the Taieri Gorge Railway.

Mothballing and/or closing this business would be a major blow for Dunedin. We ask you to invest in the future of Dunedin Railways and explore all the alternative options.

Why is this important?

The closure and/or mothballing of Dunedin Railways will lead to the loss of a substantial number of local jobs. It will end one of the most popular visitor experiences to Dunedin and Otago.

The flow on effects for other local stakeholders would be considerable.

Keeping jobs and skills in Dunedin, introducing local commuter services, and engaging staff in local rail projects is the positive alternative. When tourism rebuilds, this popular service will then be ready and waiting.

3 replies on “Sign our petition”

Dunedins Railway including the Taieri gorge is an iconic piece of NZ heritage .
Continue to showcase Dunedin and Orago, it is an unforgettable experience by train dont take it away
Employment keeping people in jobs especially during this time with high unemployment . Please consider the devastation closing it would have on the community , country and tourism .


Why close a very important line of your railway, how about the community that will be affected? How about the workers? We support the RMTU in their fight to stop the closure of the Taeri Gorge. Railway.


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